Kin System

From Pluralpedia, the collaborative plurality dictionary
kin system ( n., adj.)
Flag by Beyond Mogai Pride Flags
Applies tosystems

Kin systems are systems that form headmates from their kintypes.

Their kintypes are not headmates or a part of the system on their own, but rather introtives of those kintypes are formed and become a part of the system. Tives of kintypes are also called kinforms.

Not every system who identifies as kin or has headmates who are kin fits this definition or uses this term.[1][2]


The term may also be used by trolls, those misinformed, or as a bad faith identity. It can also refer to singlets who are confusing experiences of being polykin with plurality without malicious intent. The term was originally used in this manner and may be considered a red flag in some communities, especially ones with a large kin and plural intersection.
