
From Pluralpedia, the collaborative plurality dictionary
otherhearted ( n., adj.)
Other formsother-hearted (n., adj.)
Synonymsanimal-hearted (n., adj.), otherkith (n., adj.), kith / kithtype (n., adj.)
Applies toheadmates

Otherhearted is a term that refers to having a deep connection/bond with something, such as strongly relating to it, acting like it, or understanding it, but not quite being it; identifying with instead of as something. This something is typically a non-human and/or animal species, though some may use the term to refer to fictional characters.[1]

The specific identity of someone who is otherhearted is often called a heart-type or kith / kithtype, similar in usage to kintype, though it can also be used as something-hearted. (Ex: "I have a raccoon hearttype, so I'm raccoon-hearted.")

Related Terms[edit | edit source]

Alterhuman is an umbrella term for anyone who identifies as non-human or as experiencing an alternative form of humanity. Otherhearted falls under this category.

Synpath is technically synonymous with otherhearted, though it is more often used to refer to connections to fictional characters than to non-humans and/or animals.

Otherkin, therians, fictionkin, and factkin are individuals who (typically involuntarily) identify as a non-human, fictional, or factual being because of a spiritual or psychological belief. Similarly, an otherlink is a (typically voluntary) identity as a non-human, fictional, or factual being not because of a spiritual or ingrained psychological belief, but for any other reason. If the reason is to cope with something, it may be called a copinglink. This differs from being otherhearted because 'kin, otherlinkers, and copinglinkers still identify as something, not just with it.

References[edit | edit source]