
From Pluralpedia, the collaborative plurality dictionary

spiritive ( n., adj.)
spiritive flag by Quoipunk & ClusterBrains
Synonymsmyctive (n.)
Applies tosourced headmates

A spiritive is an introject from a spiritual or religious source, like mythology and religious texts. They do not have to be of the faith the system practices, or perceived as the "true" person from the source.

Related Terms[edit | edit source]

Spiritives are not the same as spiritual walk-ins or possessions. The latter two are (nearly always) seen as actually gods, goddesses, demons, spirits, or other beings, while it can be unknown or intentionally vague as to whether a spiritive is a regular split taking the form of a being, or truly are them. This is especially seen in cases of mythological figures joining systems.

Myctive may be seen as a synonym.

Fictospiritive a type of Spiritive and Fictive connected to Ficto-Religions. Those who are Fictospiritives can be sourced from the ones that faith is about, general idea, the flags, etc. [1]

Gallery[edit | edit source]

A spiritive flag and its variant were created by Tumblr user the-silent-fellowship on April 17th, 2023.[2]

Fictospiritive was also made by the-silent-fellowship on March 18th 2024.

References[edit | edit source]